
Saturday, January 7, 2012

SAWCLicious: Grilled Beef Chinese Style with Broccoli

I have this odd thing when I do my groceries. I need to browse aisle by aisle in the whole supermarket before I leave. Yes, even if I have to buy only 2 items! Thus, if I know I only need a few items, I would rather go to a smaller grocery rather than a hypermarket.

To add, I don't normally have a checklist. I would know on top of my mind the things I need by imagining how my pantry, bathroom, utility cabinet, and fridge looks like. For some reason, I'd remember how many yogurt I have left or if it's time to by some toothpaste.

Same goes for the fresh foods I buy, I don't plan what I would cook and buy the ingredients (unless there's a special request). Instead, I would look at what is fresh in the meat, seafood, and poultry section, take those and plan accordingly.

In my recent grocery shopping, I saw a piece of beef meat that looks very red and fresh. I don't know what part it is as the label only says boiled beef selection (in French!). I was contemplating on what I'd do with it while browsing the pantry. Then I saw the Lee Kum Kee Sauce for Sweet and Spicy Beef Ribs.  

From there, I used the sauce to marinade the beef I had overnight. (I didn't care what the package instruction said.) Then, I placed the beef with some sliced leeks in an oven-proof pan, covered it with aluminum foil and had it heated for 1 hr 15 minutes at 200 degrees Centigrade. I also had some sliced blanched broccoli with garlic, butter, salt, and pepper wrapped in a separate aluminum foil and placed in the oven for 40 minutes together with the beef. The results...

Perfect for a quick weekday Dinner. The sauce is perfect for the rice too!

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