
Friday, May 18, 2012

SAWCLicious: Sukiyaki (What do I do with Tofu?)

I love tofu, for some weird reason I enjoy eating almost any dish with tofu. So, whenever I get the chance to visit the Asian store, I'd buy 3-4 packs of tofu and keep it in the fridge. Then I'd spent the next 3-5 days thinking what do I do with the tofu. Just when I had my last pack of tofu supply almost expiring last 2 weeks, I called my mom and asked her "What do I do with Tofu?" My mom suggested to cook Sukiyaki as it is an easy to cook dish for a weekday dinner..

It was a really good idea. My mom loves to cook this back home because it's so easy and delicious. It was a good suggestion, so I headed down to the gourmet shop and bought some beef. I asked them to slice it the "sukiyaki" style using the slicer machine. Good thing they know what sukiyaki is, else I wouldn't know how to explain it in French!

Beef Sukiyaki

  • 400 grams of thinly sliced beef.
  • 1 package of cellphone noodles cut into 3 inch lengths
  • 12 pcs. bottom mushrooms halved or shitake mushrooms.
  • 2 spring onions (or 1 leek) sliced into 2 inch in length
  • 1 tofu (silken tofu) cut into 1" squares
  • 1 white onion sliced
  • Eggs (optional)
  • You can also add napa cabbage and enoki mushrooms.
In a bowl, mix the following ingredients to make the sukiyaki mix
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 5 tbsp. mirin wine
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  1. In a pot, place the white onions in the middle and arrange tofu, spring onions, mushrroms, noodles, and cabbage in clusters. Add the sukiyaki mix and start the heat. Let it boil for 10-15 minutes. 
  2. Add the beef and cook for 2-3 minutes. 
  3. To serve, crack an egg in a bowl and pour the hot soup. 
Some would cook beef fat in the pot before following step 1. The fats would enhance the taste of the soup. I find this a bit unhealthy so I'm sticking with a simpler and healthier way to cook this dish.

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