
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SAWCLicious: Tomate Crevette (Tomato Crevette) Salad

One of my colleague was sent to Brussels for a business trip. So, before he went home, I invited him and some friends for dinner at my place. I know I had to serve mostly Belgian Food! So, I prepared Tomate Crevette for appetizer, Belgian mussels and Vongole pasta (Yes, it's Italian!) as my main. 

First to share is the easy appetizer that I've made. I used the grey shrimps (Crangon) which are the ones caught in the North Sea along the Belgian Coast. These small grey shrimps are normally bought in grocery in small packs and peeled. You can substitute with normal small shrimps instead. One of my Belgian friends told me that there is a cheap and expensive version of the grey shrimps. The cheaper grey shrimps are caught from the North Sea and shipped to Morocco. They are peeled by the Moroccans which have lower labor costs thus becoming cheaper. Those that are caught and peeled by Belgians are apparently more expensive. I don't know how true this is but I guess it should be a valid source. 

Tomate Crevette (Tomate Crevette) Salad

  • 2 Whole Tomato
  • 1/2 cup shrimps
  • 1 spring onion sliced
  • a palm full of parsley chopped
  • 2 tbsp. mayonaise
  • 1 tbsp. white cheese or sour cream
  • salt and pepper
  1. In a bowl, mix the shrimps, spring onion, parsley, mayonaise, white cheese/sour cream together. Add salt and pepper. Cool in the refrigerator and only take it out if you are ready to serve this dish.
  2. Slice the top of the tomato and scoop out the seeds and all its contents. 
  3. When ready to serve, I placed some fresh vegetable salad at the bottom and seasoned with balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. I then placed the tomato on top and scooped out a generous serving of the shrimps into the tomato. You can keep the top of the tomato that can be used to cover it.

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