
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

It's been a long time! Hello to whoever reads my blog...

I am now residing in the Philippines and after being so busy with adjusting to the busy city life and entertaining a number of colleagues and friends from Belgium and US, I am now starting back with my normal life. 

Normal life in Manila is never the same than the one in Brussels. 

  • It means NO washing my own clothes, NO ironing, NO cleaning my room. 
  • It means driving an Automatic car.
  • It means someone can help prepare and do all chopping while I do the cooking.
  • It means coming home with a fridge full of food (blessed with Brother and Mommy's good cooking)
  • It means going to the grocery and not having to carry or pack my own grocery in the store. Someone does that for me.
  • It means a noisy lovely niece playing with me!
It also means bearing with the heat, the noise of the air-conditioning, and the traffic. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying my stay back home and being close with my friends and family. 

A 4-day long weekend has just passed and I feel very successful for accomplishing what I've been itching to do in the past 2 months. It's to clean my room and open the 6 big boxes that I've shipped from Brussels! Just to give you a sneak peak on my organized room!

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