
Monday, November 19, 2012

SAWCLicious: Zucchini Spaghetti in Bolognese Sauce

Catching up with friends have been a priority past time lately. Not only as a result of being away for 18 months from my home country but also because I recently lost a friend. A friend who I was supposed to meet 2 months back but didn't have the time to do so because of work. I promised to meet her when she comes back after her US vacation which didn't happen because she passed away during her vacation. She was my college classmate and we majored on the same course. We are not very close but we do meet for dinner or drinks to catch-up. It is difficult to see someone my age pass away but it was reassuring to know that she lived a good life and has now joined our mighty God. 

So, let me go back... catching up with friends, yes. I caught up with a close office colleague who I haven't seen for (guess what?) 18 months! To my surprise, she is so SEXY! She went for some diet that worked and she gave me an idea to use Zucchini as spaghetti as a means of lessening carb intake.

I know it sounds bizarre. I am not a fan of zucchini myself except when served as a soup.  Yes, I eat it but there is something with this vegetable that I didn't like nor will I crave for it. I hesitated trying it and was even having second thoughts after I prepared it. But, tasting this instantly changed me (isn't the picture below enticing?). Nowadays, zucchini is something I would look for in the vegetable section. 

I simply used my bolognese recipe and substituted spaghetti with zucchini. I used a melon scraper to shred zucchini which I then washed and allowed to dry for a few minutes. Then I poured over the bolognese sauce topped with parmesan cheese and served with toasted garlic bread on the side. 

On one occasion I tried blanching the shredded zucchini in chicken stock for 2 minutes and it tasted even better!

 Loving Zucchini....   Try it and let me know what you think!

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